
Alarm Keypads - GeoArm Security®

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What is the Alarm Keypad?

Alarm Keypads
Used to Control the Security System!

An alarm keypad is a device used to control and operate an alarm system. It is usually installed near an entry door or other points of access to a building, such as a garage or basement door. The goal is to ensure it is easily accessible and convenient for the user to arm, disarm or customize the settings of the alarm system. In addition to entry doors, alarm keypads can also be installed in other areas of a property, such as a master bedroom or near valuable items, to provide added security and control.

The keypad has a set of buttons that allow the user to arm, disarm or customize the settings of the alarm system, such as setting specific zones to be monitored. Some alarm keypads also have a display screen that shows the status of the alarm system, such as whether it's armed or not, or if there is an open door or window. Certain types of alarm keypads may also have additional features, like panic buttons, emergency alerts, or tamper alarms.

The main difference between a wired alarm keypad and a wireless alarm keypad is how they communicate with the alarm system. A wired alarm keypad is physically wired to the alarm control panel using a cable, whereas a wireless alarm keypad communicates wirelessly with the alarm system using radio frequency signals. Wired alarm keypads tend to be more robust and reliable as they do not rely on wireless signals that can be subject to interference or signal loss. They are also typically harder to hack or interfere with (if the wireless frequency is not encrypted), as they require physical access to the cable. Wireless alarm keypads, on the other hand, offer greater flexibility and convenience as they can be placed anywhere within the range of the wireless signal. They are also easier to install and can be set up without the need for running cables.

No-Term Contracts? Month-to-Month Subscription Plans Long-Term with Liquidated Damages
New Security Systems? Own the Alarm Equipment on Day 1 Lease the Alarm Equipment for 3 Years
Proprietary Technology? Unlocked Non-Proprietary Equipment Locked Out Proprietary Equipment
Live Operator Service? Optional 24-Hour PRO Central Station Required 24-Hour PRO Central Station
Do-It-Yourself Options? More Flexible DIY Brands and Services Less DIY Brands to Choose and Pick
Free Move Program? Nationwide Coverage is Supported Some Limitations on Coverage Areas
Technical Support? Inexpensive Remote Technicians Costly Onsite Hourly Service Rates

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▼ Wireless Alarm Keypads ▼