
Update the Zone List Form - GeoArm Security®

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Learn About Security System Zone Types?

Entry/Exit Delay : Usually assigned to sensors or contacts on primary entry and exit doors.

Perimeter : Usually assigned to all sensors or contacts on exterior doors and windows.

Interior Follower : Usually assigned to a zone covering an entry area (i.e.: foyer, lobby, or hallway) that one must pass upon entry (after faulting the entry/exit zone) to reach the keypad. It provides an instant alarm if the entry/exit zone is not violated first, and protects an area in the event an intruder has hidden on the premises before the system is armed, or gains access through an unprotected area.

Interior with Delay : Usually assigned to an motion detector when the zone will be always be on delay regardless of whether or not an entry/exit zone was violated first.

24-Hour Silent Alarm : Usually assigned to a zone containing an panic/emergency button (silent emergency).

24-Hour Audible Alarm : Usually assigned to a zone containing an panic/emergency button (audible emergency)

24-Hour Auxiliary Alarm : Usually assigned to a zone containing a button for use in personal emergencies or to a zone containing monitoring devices (i.e.: water or temperature sensors, etc.)

24-Hour Carbon Monoxide : Usually assigned to any wireless zone with a carbon monoxide detector. This zone type is always active and cannot be bypassed.

Supervised Fire : Usually assigned to any wireless zone used as a fire zone. This zone type is always active and cannot be bypassed.
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