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▼ Enhanced Call Verification (ECV) ▼
In an attempt to reduce the burden that false alarms put on our local police departments, some municipalities have adopted ECV dispatch policies. ECV requires the alarm monitoring company to place at least two phone calls to the customer in an attempt to verify the alarm before they are able to dispatch the authorities. If they dispatch before making these verification calls, the monitoring company may be subject to fines from the local municipality. Through the years, ECV has been proven to be effective in reducing the amount of false alarms that the police are sent out to investigate. GeoArm has found that more and more municipalities are adopting ECV policies every day. We suggest checking with your local police department to see if your jurisdiction requires ECV or not. Additionally, some jurisdictions have adopted measures to allow immediate dispatch, without verification calls, but only when the alarm has been verified with video. GeoArm agrees that ECV works and likes the emerging trend in video verification. GeoArm's central station averages 30 second response times from when the alarm is tripped to when the customer receives the first verification call.
Enhanced Call Verification By Ordinance/Policy (*Subject to Change w/o Notice):