
ADC-VACC-DB-A - Alarm.com Digital Doorbell Adapter (for SkyBell Video Doorbell)

ADC-VACC-DB-A - Alarm.com Digital Doorbell Adapter (for SkyBell Video Doorbell)
ADC-VACC-DB-A - Alarm.com Digital Doorbell Adapter (for SkyBell Video Doorbell)

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List Price: $37.46
Your Price: $24.97
Availability: In Stock
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Alarm.com ADC-VACC-DB-A Product Description:

The Alarm.com ADC-VACC-DB-A is a digital doorbell adapter for the Alarm.com SkyBell video doorbell cameras. The ADC-VACC-DB-A digital doorbell adapter (DDA) is required for all digital chimes to work with the Alarm.com doorbell cameras. The primary function of a DDA is to regulate the power going to the digital speaker throughout the duration of the chime. The DDA is installed in the middle of the chime's circuit. Connect the DDA to the chime prior to installing the doorbell camera.

When installing you must verify if the chin is digital. A digital chime has a speaker that plays a melody or tone. There are often volume and tone dials on digital chimes. Digital chimes require both a DDA to be installed and the Alarm.com Wi-Fi Doorbell Camera to be configured for a digital chime.

On the flip side, a mechanical chime has metal bars and a striker pin. Mechanical chimes work without additional hardware. The Doorbell Camera is compatible with mechanical and digital door chimes and is not compatible with intercom systems, wireless chimes, and tube chimes.

Alarm.com ADC-VACC-DB-A Install Check List:

  • Compatible digital chime
  • Sufficient power source
  • Physical access to the chime
  • Alarm.com Doorbell Camera

Please Note: When installing two Doorbell Cameras on a single chime, two DDAs must be installed. For more information about wiring in this scenario, see Wiring two Alarm.com Doorbell Cameras to a single chime.

Alarm.com ADC-VACC-DB-A Product Compatibility:

  • ADC-VDB101
  • ADC-VDB102
  • ADC-VDB105
  • ADC-VDB106

Product Reviews

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  Must have for Skybell Video Doorbell.,
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18 people found this review helpful

You will need this adapter for the Ring doorbell if you have a digital doorbell. Super easy to install, both the adapter and doorbell. Works great, have had no issues, it worked perfect for our doorbell.

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